Grade 6 Vaccines (Attention Grade 5 Parents):

  • Grade 5 Students and ALL Students entering Grade 6:

    One dose of Tdap vaccine and one dose of Meningococcal Vaccine (ACYW) are required for 11 year olds entering 6th Grade. Please submit a vaccine record showing receipt of these vaccines as soon as your child receives them (or documentation of a medical or religious exemption, if applicable). All documentation must be provided to the school nurse on or before September 1st.

    These vaccines are normally given at a child’s 11 year-old well exam. If your child has a birth date of September 1st or after, please notify the school nurse of the date of the doctor’s appointment. Documentation of receipt of the  vaccines are expected 2 weeks after their 11th birthday. 

    Vaccine records can be handed into the BTS Main Office or emailed to the nurse at

    Additional information:

    More detailed information about vaccines required to attend school in New Jersey can be found at the Immunization Requirements tab on the left .

    Meningococcal Disease Brochure from the NJDOH